The role of job resources and psychological empowerment in enhancing innovative work behavior in Chinese higher education

Junlan Ma and Jirawan Deeprasert

African Educational Research Journal
Published: June 3 2024
Volume 12, Issue 2
Pages 126-135


This research examined the relationship between job resources (social support, job autonomy, and colleague feedback) and innovative work behaviors of university teachers based on social exchange theory. The mediating role of psychological empowerment (meaning, competence, self-determination, impact) was also examined in the relationship between job resources and innovative work behaviors. Based on the established measurement scales, the questionnaire was used to collect data through quota sampling and purposive sampling methods. Empirical investigation was conducted with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. The results reveal that job resources were significantly and positively correlated with innovative work behaviors, and psychological empowerment mediated the relationship between job resources and innovative work behaviors.

Keywords: Technological blockade, higher education, innovative work behavior, job resources, psychological empowerment.

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