Analysis of title and abstract tendencies of classroom education articles published in education faculties journals in Turkey

Murat Kurt

African Educational Research Journal
Published: October 28 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 3
Pages S30-S39


As they provide more detailed and comprehensive information on the subject to be researched, articles are important guides and sources. In this context, this study was made for the purpose of determining the "Title" and "Abstract" sections of the articles published on "Classroom Education" in the educational journals scanned in TÜBİTAK TR Directory between 2013-2019. Within the scope of qualitative research, the study group was formed by selecting 428 articles in 22 education faculty journals scanned using the criterion sampling method. The data were analyzed by document analysis. It was determined that the titles of these articles reflected the content at the rate of 96.49%, the number of words used in the titles was the most (39.48%) in the range of 10-12 words, and the keywords were given “partially” (64.16%). The articles were categorized into 14 different subject areas as a result of the codings made. The most (22.66%) preffered topic among those categories was “Attitude- Success-Determination of Interest-Perception-Anxiety”. While 78.03% of the articles’ abstracts didn’start with a theoretical knowledge, 94.15% of them contained information for purpose and scope and 57.94% of them for method at abstract sections. The articles’ abstracts also included universe and study group information in 91.82%, data collection tool in 83.87%, findings or conclusions in 95.32%, however the suggestions were not mentioned 87.61% of them. In addition, in 58.87% of them, keywords were included in the range of “1-3” words. Based on these findings, it was observed that the title parts reflect the content and include “partially” keywords. Although the universe, sample, data collection tool, findings and results are generally included, it is concluded that the abstract parts is insufficient in terms of method and suggestion information. Considering that most researchers examine a study starting from the title and abstract parts, it should be noted that the title and abstract parts should be clear, certain and comprehensive in order to find the study worthy for examining. Therefore, within the framework of the obtained results, some suggestions were made for the prospective teachers studying in the education faculty as the course related to scientific research can be carried out more effectively.

Keywords: Classroom education, Journal of Education Faculty, title, abstract, document analysis.

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