Effects of small irrigation schemes in farm resource production and climate change adaptation practices in Nepal

Kabi Prasad Pokhrel

Net Journal of Agricultural Science
Published: April 8 2013
Volume 1, Issue 2
Pages 24-37


This paper is an attempt to evaluate the socio-economic as well as environmental impacts of small irrigation schemes in different parts of Nepal so as to help in formulating future policies on small irrigation schemes and subsidy programs. The paper has clearly pointed out the operation and management structure in each of the selected schemes have been playing significant role to increase the farm resource productivity, reduce poverty level, improve farmer participation and to manage available environmental resources in sustainable way. Furthermore, the functions and effectiveness of the Irrigation Management Committees (IMCs) and Water Users Groups (WUGs), farmers groups (FG) and cooperatives have been actively participated in the overall activities of small scale irrigation schemes to implement effectively.

Keywords: Schemes, subsidy, user groups, sustainability, accountability.

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