Assessment of genetic variability and heritability of elite faba bean (Vicia faba L.) landraces based on yield and yield-related characters in Northern Sudan
Fatih Elalim A. Hamza and Nazar B. HusseinNet Journal of Agricultural Science
Published: May 29 2024
Volume 12, Issue 2
Pages 17-22
The effectiveness of selection in any crop depends on the magnitude of the available genetic variability in the gene pool of the species. In this study, 11 faba bean genotypes (eight genotypes and three checks) were assessed for agronomic performance, extent of genetic variability and heritability under irrigation conditions. The study was carried out at Dongola Research Station Farm in the Northern State of Sudan during two winter seasons 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. The combined analysis of variance revealed the presence of significant (P≤ 0.01) and wide range of variation among the tested genotypes for most of the characters. Mean squares due to the interaction between the genotype and season were highly significant for most of the characters studied. The genotypes no. 5 and 2 gave significantly heavier seed weight than the two checks, Basabeer and Shendi. The maximum seed yield ton per hectare was recorded on genotypes; C.2/2 (4.18 t ha-1) followed by Elarkey 82 (4.11 t ha-1) and Gelass 36 (4.11 t ha-1) while the minimum (2.89 t ha-1) was obtained from C.3/3. These genotypes out – yielded the check Turkey in seed yield, with average yield advantages amounting to 22.0, 20.7 and 20.7%, respectively. Also, same genotypes exceeded the check Shendi by 9.3, 8.8 and 8.8%, respectively. The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all characters indicating the influence of environmental factors. The phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher for plant height (cm), number of pods per plant and 100-seed weight (g). Subsequent combined high genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), high heritability (H²) and high genetic advance as present of mean (GAM) were recorded for the number of seeds per pod (7.75%, 79.30% and 33.18%), seed yield (t ha-1) (12.75%, 60.91% and 60.48) and hundred seed weight (22.26%, 23.64% and 3.82%), which denotes, these characters can be improved through direct selection easily than other characters.
Keywords: Faba bean, characters, genetic variability, seed yield.
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ISSN: 2315-9766