Effect of tillage system on soil properties and yield of Oba 98 maize variety in Zaria A. Namakka, A. H. Hassan, S. M. Ahmad, G. A. Lere and A. I. Sharifai Page Numbers: 89-93Date Published: July 3 2014 Net Journal of Agricultural Science
A genetic algorithm approach to maximize crop yields and sustain soil fertility Oladapo J. Olakulehin and Elijah Olusayo Omidiora Page Numbers: 94-103Date Published: July 22 2014 Net Journal of Agricultural Science
Marketing analysis of smoke-dried fish in Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria C. O. Osarenren and Adams O. Ojor Page Numbers: 104-106Date Published: August 5 2014 Net Journal of Agricultural Science
Diagnosis of Fusarium oxysporum in the cultivation of pineapple Ananas comosus (L) Merr Jhonny Vásquez Jiménez and Xiomara Mata Granados Page Numbers: 107-112Date Published: September 10 2014 Net Journal of Agricultural Science

ISSN: 2315-9766