Volume: 8, Issue: 1 2020
Akha biochar enhances soil fertility and productivity of red amaranth plant Md. Mahbubul Islam, Md. Shah Jalal, Md. Shoriful Islam, Md. Muktar Hossain, Mehmet Işik and Md. Toufiq Iqbal Page Numbers: 1-7Date Published: February 20 2020
Mohamad Hossein Rahimian and Hamid Reza Zabihi Page Numbers: 8-16Date Published: March 16 2020
PCR method and factors that influence the quantification of genetically modified organisms in food Hans FRÖDER, Marion RUIS, Tainá DREBES, Aldo BACCARIN, Sandra Aparecida de Oliveira COLLET Page Numbers: 17-24Date Published: March 17 2020 DOl: https://doi.org/10.30918/NJAS.81.19.039

Type: Quarterly
ISSN: 2315-9766
ISSN: 2315-9766