Differential diagnosis of focal hepatic lesions using ultrasound confirmed with histopathology Rania Mohammed Ahmed, Sharifah Alkathiri, Waad Altalhi, Hatun Eid, Manar Alshalwai and Sara Alotaibi Page Numbers: 18-24Date Published: April 24 2020
Ciprian Cirimbei, Vlad Rotaru, Madalina Radu and Simona Elena Cirimbei Page Numbers: 25-29Date Published: May 13 2020
Oky Aryanthana, I. B. Ngurah Rai and Wira Gotera Page Numbers: 30-34Date Published: June 3 2020
Mohammed Ali Ahmed Shaalan Abd Ulrahman, Alhadi Yahya, Hassan Abdulwahab Al-Shamahy and Al Kasem MA Abbas Page Numbers: 35-41Date Published: June 12 2020
Mohammed Alimul Islam, Sumaiya Islam, Md. Enamul Haque, Md. Muklesur Rahman, Md. Asir Uddin, A.K.M. Khasruzzaman, Md. Mohiuddin Sharif, Md. Rajibur Rahman, Mohammad Robed Amin and Md. Mortuza Ali Page Numbers: 42-56Date Published: June 12 2020
Jeffrey Morgan and Darin Brimhall Page Numbers: 57-60Date Published: June 16 2020
Hiba A. Awooda and Lojun Aljazoly Page Numbers: 61-66Date Published: June 23 2020
Jeffrey Morgan, Micheal Rodriguez, Alex Zuriarrain and Zoran Bursac Page Numbers: 67-75Date Published: June 23 2020

ISSN: 2354-211X