In vitro anti-fungal activity of a new compound isolated from Pterodon pubescens Benth
Roque FP, Aníbal PC, Busato SN, Boni GC, Höfling JF, Queiroz NCA and Foglio MAAdvancement in Medicinal Plant Research
Published: May 22 2015
Volume 3, Issue 2
Pages 55-61
This study investigated the antifungal activity of some compounds chromatographically isolated from Pterodon pubescens oil and identified by mass spectrometry: geranylgeraniol, 6α-hydroxy-17β-7β-dihydroxivouacapan-oate, ester isomers 6α-hydroxy-7β-acetoxy-17β-vouacapan-oate and 7β-acetoxy-17β-hydroxyvouacapan-oate and an unknown compound (m/z 355). Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assessment showed antifungal activity at 2000 µg/ml only for the unknown compound (m/z 355) against Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. glabrata and C. tropicalis. Exposure to this compound caused morphological changes observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM).
Keywords: Pterodon pubescens, Candida spp., vouacapan, antimicrobial.
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