Phytochemical investigation, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities from some species of Cleomaceae family: A systematic review
María del Carmen Juárez-Vázquez and María Adelina Jiménez-ArellanesAdvancement in Medicinal Plant Research
Published: December 4 2019
Volume 7, Issue 4
Pages 107-128
The scientific advances on phytochemistry, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities from Cleomacea family are described. A systematic review was performed according to PRISMA statement. A search of scientific literature was performed in specialized database (Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Google Scholar) to obtain information and Iltis & Cochrane taxonomic classification was employed. Some genus (Cleome, Corynandra, Gynandropsis, Cleoserrata, Tarenaya) are widely used in traditional medicine for treatment of inflammatory diseases (rheumatic and skin diseases), fever, malaria and diabetes, and its polar extracts have been described as anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive agents. C. rutidosperma, C. arabica, C. viscosa and C. droserifolia showed in vitro immunomodulador activity in macrophages and PMN. Also, T. spinosa, C. chelidonii, C. arabica, C. viscosa, C. rutidosperma and G. gynandra have shown anti-inflammatory activity an in vivo carrageenan and chronic inflammation AFC models. Only, from C. droserifolia and C. viscosa anti-inflammatory compounds have been isolated and were identified as flavonoids and cumarinolignoids. Others compounds isolated from these plants are steroids, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, terpenes, and alkaloids, but some of these compounds still have not been investigated; in addition, the essential oils from C. amblyocarpa, C. rutidosperma, C. viscosa, T. spinosa and C. chelidonii have significative antinociceptive activity; this effect was comparable to morphine, aspirine, diclofenac, dipyrone or pentazocine. Cleomaceae family is a potential source of active principles that will allow the development of new therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of diseases in which an inflammatory process and/or pain occurs.
Keywords: Anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive, immunomodulator, phytochemistry, Cleomaceae, Cleome, flavonoids.
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