Evaluating efficacy of Punica granatum L. peel extract gel in treating Cyclophosphamide induced alopecia in mice and in vitro anti-pediculicidal activity
K. Ravishankar, G. V. N. Kiranmayi and P. DevakusumaAdvancement in Medicinal Plant Research
Published: September 30 2021
Volume 9, Issue 3
Pages 59-67
The present study aimed to estimate the efficacy of Punica granatum L. ethanolic peel extract gel in treating hair fall in mice using the cyclophosphamide-induced alopecia method. In vitro anti-pediculicidal activity of peel extract was evaluated using the Filter paper diffusion method. Results indicated that high dose 20%w/v ethanolic peel extract gel of P. granatum was observed to have efficacy in treating alopecia and the results compared with that of standard minoxidil and it is also indicated that there is significant anti-pediculicidal activity to 20%w/v ethanolic peel extract was observed and results are compared with that of standard Benzyl Benzoate 25%w/v. These results provided an important basis for developing the peel extract as novel anti-pediculicidal activity and for treating alopecia and promoting hair growth, animals treated with high dose 20% gel showed better results compared to 10% low dose gel.
Keywords: Punica granatum L., alopecia, anti-pediculicidal, cyclophosphamide, minoxidil, benzyl benzoate.
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