Plant material yield evaluation for hepatoprotective plant rational use in Burkina Faso, West Africa - Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research - Net Journals

Plant material yield evaluation for hepatoprotective plant rational use in Burkina Faso, West Africa

Souleymane Compaoré, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Lazare Belemnaba, Salfo Ouédraogo, Noufou Ouedraogo, Sylvin Ouedraogo and Adjima Thiombiano

Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research
Published: September 12 2024
Volume 12, Issue 3
Pages 59-68


This study aims to contribute to the sustainable use of plant resources. Thus, 38 species with hepatoprotective potential were sampled in several locations of Burkina Faso between May and October 2021. These species were identified during previous surveys with traditional healers. These plants' leaves, roots, and trunk barks were collected and processed according to good harvesting practices guidelines of the World Health Organisation. After drying, the dried sample was weighed, and the dry matter and powder contents were determined. The results showed that Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A.Juss (84%), Combretum micranthum G.Don (81.84%), and Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. & Perr. (53.85%), had the highest dry matter yields in leaves, trunk bark, and roots respectively. Powder yields were relatively low for all species. Indeed, only 7.67% of the species whose leaves were sampled had a powder yield of more than 50%. Powder yields of trunk and root bark were less than 50% for all plants, except Khaya senegalensis. The losses were so enormous that they could have been as high as 50%. Given these results, it is necessary to establish plant material requirements and master the collection, processing, and use techniques of suitable equipment to minimize plant material losses.

Keywords: Plant resources, hepatoprotective, exploitation, processing, conservation, sustainable use.

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