Effect of long slow distance exercise regime on health-related physical fitness components among overweight adults with non-communicable diseases
Mastura Johar, Tan Chin Hung, Haizan Mohd Taha, Amira Raihana Adnan, Muhamad Safwan Ishak, Alicia Philip and Mohd Nahar AzmiInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: January 18 2019
Volume 7, Issue 1
Pages 9-15
DOl: https://doi.org/10.30918/IRJMMS.71.18.056
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a 12-weeks of long slow distance (LSD) exercise with interval training for the treatment of health related physical fitness components such as cardiovascular endurance, body fat composition, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance and total fitness score among overweight adults with non-communicable disease. The intervention exercise program is a combination of long slow distance activity with interval training alternating of low and medium intensity involving a physical conditioning training with medium volume and low resistant. The study population consisted of twenty-three overweight subjects with 25 to 55 years of age and have a non-communicable disease. Subjects were assigned to a 12-weeks of intervention treatment for 60 min per once, three times in a week with total of 36 sessions. A pretest-posttest research design was used. Statistical analyses include descriptive analysis and paired t-test to determine within group mean differences. Results of the study subject of treatment group experienced a positive improvement in all the six variables after treatment. Results indicate a significant improvement in body composition between pre-test (M = 33.8) and post-test (M = 30.30). There was a statistical significant increases in cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, muscle strength and flexibility. Further to that, fitness score received a significant improvement during pre-test (M = 61.13) to post-test (M = 65.96). Therefore, it is concluded that the intervention of long slow distance exercise with interval training program; had improved all the five health-related physical fitness components and overall fitness score. It was also contributed to a positive finding among overweight adults with the non-communicable disease in Malaysia.
Keywords: Health related physical fitness, interval training, long slow distance exercise, non-communicable disease.
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