Integrative medicine review
Pérez-Alvarado C. M., Vargas-Madrazo E., Montes-Villaseñor E., Valdez-Betanzos A., Aranda G. E. and Hernández-Aguilar M. E.International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: December 5 2018
Volume 6, Issue 4
Pages 124-131
Integrative Medicine is a growing branch of medicine which integrates the best aspects of conventional (allopathic) and complementary and alternative medicines. This kind of medicine recognizes that the mechanistic, fragmentary and linear view of science, i.e. reductionism, has many limitations, particularly in biological and medical sciences. Moreover, Integrative Medicine provides a particular care to each patient, orienting its practices towards healing and emphasizing the therapeutic relationship. Its principles harmonize with the proposals of Systemic Biology which acknowledges the complexity, integrality and holistic nature of living beings. Based on the aforementioned postulates integrate our Five-Spheres Model for patient care.
Keywords: Integrative medicine, system medicine, system biology.
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