Total elbow arthroplasty in type IIIC elbow fracture: A case report
Solyom Árpád, Gilyén Botond, Fodor Pál, Zuh Sándor and Bățagă TiberiuInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: September 10 2019
Volume 7, Issue 3
Pages 99-104
Elbow arthroplasty is very successful in terms of pain relief, motion and function. Indications include posttraumatic osteoarthritis, acute distal humerus or proximal forearm fractures, and many others. With the present article, the authors would like to present the case of a patient who underwent total elbow arthroplasty following a car crash which resulted in the following conditions: IIIC type distal humerus open fracture, IIIC type proximal forearm open fracture, and multiple other lesions. Immediate surgical care consisted of primary wound correction and external fixation of the bones and secondary wound correction was practiced. A few months later the patient underwent total elbow arthroplasty. One year after the accident, following rigorous physical therapy, the patient has regained 45% of nerve function, 70% of muscle function and now can lead a relatively normal life. He can drive a car and use his elbow in daily activity. Although replacement arthroplasty was initially used mainly in patients with inflammatory arthritis, its indications were expanded to other conditions, which place higher demands on the implants and seem to lead to higher failure rates, but an elbow arthroplasty is a good option in complicated open fractures if we have a multidisciplinary team and the time of surgery is opportune despite the high failure risk.
Keywords: Elbow, arthroplasty, open fracture, wound correction, limb function.
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