Prevalence of congenital anomalies in Sudanese fetuses: A prospective study
Mahmoud S. Babiker and Elabbas Osman Hag AhmedInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: December 16 2019
Volume 7, Issue 4
Pages 118-124
Congenital anomalies (CAs) are important causes of infant and childhood deaths, chronic illness and disability. The objective of this study was to provide a new detail regarding the prevalence of CAs in Sudanese fetuses and to investigate the association between these anomalies with fetal weight and/ or maternal disorders. During the period February 2018 to November 2019, a descriptive prospective study was conducted at the ultrasound unit (U/S), Omdurman Maternity Teaching Hospital, Sudan. Inclusion criteria include any fetus with features of intrauterine fetal anomaly. Mindery D-C6 U/S system with a 3.5 MHz convex transducer was used. Five thousand two hundred and eighty pregnant women underwent routine U/S scanning through a standard protocol. CAs were noted in 39 fetuses (0.738%) among the studied population. 28.2% of the detected CAs were noted in diabetic and hypertensive women. The major CAs were the central nervous system (CNS) followed by the renal system, skeletal, and gastrointestinal tract (GIT). A significant statistical association between the types of CAs and fetal weight was observed (p= 0.03). In conclusion, the prevalence of CAs in Sudanese fetuses is < 1.0%. The CAs were more prevalent in diabetic than hypertensive women. CAs and fetal weight were significantly associated. The CNS anomalies were common CAs. Further studies regarding the CAs in Sudanese fetuses were recommended.
Keywords: Congenital anomaly, fetus, Sudanese, ultrasound.
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