Comparative biochemical studies of aqueous extract of Egyptian black and raw garlic (Allium sativum) on hypercholesterolemia in rats fed a high-fat diet
Abd El Wahab A. E. Safaa, Abdul Azeem A. M., Mansour A. Amal and Al Shammari M. EidaInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: December 29 2020
Volume 8, Issue 4
Pages 132-138
Black garlic is a type of garlic that is processed for a specific period, with precisely controlled degrees of moisture and heat until the color of raw garlic turns black. Black garlic plays a strong role in preventing diseases such as hyperlipidemia. This study aims to compare the effect of Egyptian black garlic extract (EBG) and Egyptian raw garlic extract (ERG) at different concentrations on serum biochemical parameters in hyperlipidemia rats’ model. Fifty albino rats were divided randomly into 10 groups with five animals. Rats were fed a normal diet (control) G1, high-fat diet (HFD) 40% lard w/w were (G2- G10) for four weeks to promoting hypercholesterolemia for all rats except G1 (control). After that, HFD groups were treated with 1ml oral administration three times a week of 100% (G3), 75% (G4), 50% (G5), and 25% (G6) EBG extract for 6 weeks. G2 (HFD) was a high-fat diet alone without any extract. ERG extract feed group were treated in the same manner described above, and G7 (HFD+100% ERG extract), G8 (HFD+75% ERG extract), G9 (HFD+50% ERG extract), and G10 (HFD+25% ERG extract) as written here. EBG extract-treated group showed significantly increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in serum (p < 0.05), decreased both level of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglycerides (TG) in serum. EBG extract with high concentration (G3) causes down regulation of lipid and cholesterol (p < 0.05) comparing with ERG extract indicating usefulness for treating hypercholesterolemia. Body weights on rats decrease by feeding of EBG extract, along with liver enzymes decrease in EBG fed rats. This indicates the efficiency of black garlic extract in reducing the level of hypercholesterolemia and avoiding heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Keywords: Allium sativum, garlic, black garlic, hypercholesterolemia, biochemical parameters.
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