Evaluation of public knowledge and attitude towards how to use, store and discard expired pharmaceutical drugs in Saudi Arabia
Ghufran M. Rawas, Shahad F. AlAhmadi and Ahmad H. MuftiInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: August 31 2021
Volume 9, Issue 3
Pages 103-112
This study aimed to evaluate the public knowledge and attitude toward how to use, store and discard unused and expired pharmaceutical drugs among the Saudi population. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of participants toward the usage and disposal of expired pharmaceutical products among the Saudi population via an online survey distributed throughout social media sites during the period of two months from March 2020 to May 2020. Microsoft Excel and graph pad software analyzed the cleaned data. Descriptive statistics on sample characteristics were computed in frequencies and percentages and presented using tables and figures. 650 participants enrolled in the study. 75% of the participants had unused medicine stored at home during study time. The common types of medications kept in households were analgesics (90%) and antibiotics (67%). Most participants showed a well understanding of medication waste (70%) and the potential risks associated with improper drug disposal (85%). There was a lack of received information about safe usage, storage, and disposal practice. About 55% of the participants discarded the unused and expired medications by throwing them in the trash. In light of this study's results, which showed a large percentage of participants kept unused or expired medications in their homes despite their knowledge of the seriousness of this situation. Therefore, it is essential to plan educational programs about the rational use and expiry date of drugs to improve their awareness, attitudes, and practices regarding the safe disposal of unused and expired medications. Guidelines on safe disposal are required, and an organized method of collecting unused and expired pharmaceuticals such as the "drug take-back program" is needed. The pharmacist also has a significant role as a drug expert in educating patients about the drug's uses and how to store and discard it.
Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, expired pharmaceutical drugs.
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