Adimod as a potential therapy for post-covid-19 syndrome
Mayra Alejandra Villalobos Ariza, Juan Sebastián Therán León, Laura Yibeth Esteban Badillo, José Fernando Huanca Gabriel, Angie Berena Carreño Anaya, Alejandro Alfonso Rodríguez Rodríguez, Dina Rafaela González Hernández and Israel David Echavez CervantesInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Published: November 3 2021
Volume 9, Issue 4
Pages 113-117
This systematic review was carried out to find new evidence that demonstrates the efficacy of adimod as an immunomodulatory therapy that facilitates the overcoming and inactivation of viruses, fungi and bacteria that support our immune system. It is important to highlight that the use of adimod in post-covid syndrome is related to a faster resolution of infectious symptoms, prevention of recurrences, lower drug requirements for the underlying disease and return to daily activities in less time. In addition, it reduces the severity of symptoms by 44% and airway infections by 22%. The advantage of this is that they lead to a state of health free from respiratory infections for a longer time and positively impacting society and health systems.
Keywords: Adimod, post-covid syndrome, therapy.
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