Factors affecting the adoption of bambara nut as a food security crop among sugarcane farmers in Kakamega County, Kenya

Wasula Samuel Luvembe

Net Journal of Agricultural Science
Published: November 13 2020
Volume 8, Issue 4
Pages 67-72


Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean) is referred to as an “underutilized” crop species. Within sugar cane farming communities, bambara ground nut played an important role as a protein source as its protein content (16 to 25%) is comparable, and in some instances, superior to other established legumes, making it a good complement for cereal-based diets. As a legume, bambara groundnut also replenishes nitrogen in the soil through nitrogen fixation, an ability that may be of importance to resource-constrained farmers who may otherwise not be able to afford inorganic nitrogen fertilizers. It is an important crop to incorporate in rotations with cereal crops. The crop is predominantly grown in Kakamega County, Kenya where a larger population of farmers depend on sugarcane as their cash crop This study examined the socio-economic and institutional factors that influence these cane farmers’ adoption of bambara nut as food security crop. Information was collected from 384 respondents in 2014 and analyzed by Statistical package for social scientists program, version 16. Study findings revealed that sugar cane smallholder farmers’ place of residence (sub-county), age, gender, labour, credit, income and group membership significantly influenced their decisions to adopt bambara nut growing as a nutritional and food security crop at household level. However, sugarcane smaholder farmers;level of education, land size, marketing and extension service delivery did not significantly influence farmers’ decision to adopt bambara nut growing as a crop that can reduce the hidden hunger of food insecurity at household level in Kakamega County, Kenya. In order for smallholder sugarcane farmers to benefit from this immense potential there is need for adelibarate effort by County govermments and varous interested support agricultural groups to assist in fomulating policies and implimenting research programmes towards promotion and commercialisation of this crop a momg smallholder farmers. This would lead to increased smallhloder sugar cane farmer’s growingof bambara nut and thus, assist in the fight against hidden hunger and food insecurity at household level among rural poor households in Kakamega Count, Kenya.

Keywords: Bambara nut, smallholder, innovation, underutilized crop.

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