Productivity and profitability study of farmers managed and research managed potato production system
Salim M., Alam M. K., Akter R. and Sultana I.Net Journal of Agricultural Science
Published: September 17 2024
Volume 12, Issue 3
Pages 35-42
The potato is of economic importance to the people of Munshiganj. Mastering good farming practices would therefore help to improve the yields of the varieties grown. Our study consisted of evaluating the yields of two potato cultivars (V1=BARI Alu-25 and V2=BARI Alu-37) at the Tuber Crops Research Sub-Centre in Munshiganj, using the cultivation practices implemented by the researchers (P1) and the farmers' cultivation practices (P2). The highest yields and cost-benefit ratios were obtained by the cultivars subjected to the cultivation practices implemented by the researchers (P1), with 41.29 t/ha and BCR=2.56 for cultivar V2 and 34.04 t/ha and BCR=2.46 for cultivar V1, respectively. The cultivation practices introduced by the researchers should therefore be disseminated so that farmers adopt them, which will have a positive impact on farmers' incomes.
Keywords: Potato, researchers' practices, farmers' practices, cultivation practices, yield, income.
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ISSN: 2315-9766