Curbing violence among children through adult education programmes
Shamsideen Ayinla Saula and Rachael A. AjayiAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: June 19 2017
Volume 5, Issue 2
Pages 181-185
Children constitute a significant proportion of any nation's population and they are the inheritors of the society. In Nigeria, children hold a great thrust for the future. This paper examined various methods by adult educators in curbing violence among children through various adult education programmes such as literacy education, fundamental education etc. The study was a survey designed to investigate causes, effects and ways of curbing violence among children in Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated and tested for the study. A total of 200 respondents comprising of both teachers and students were selected from 10 public junior secondary schools in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State. An instrument titled “Curbing Violence among Children” was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using frequency tables and percentages. The result revealed that children’s violence is mostly caused by family background, peer influence, exposure to violent films, emotional instability and poor child upbringing. Opportunity for sports and other recreational activities, games, debate, excursions, club activities, visitation to schools by parents, establishment of Guidance and Counselling units are some of the strategies suggested for curbing violence among children in the state.
Keywords: Children, violence, causes, effects, curbing violence.
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