Teacher-trainee’s competency and institutional level of preparedness for adoption of e-learning in selected teacher training colleges in Kenya
Redempta M. Kiilu, Jackline K. Nyerere and Nobert OgetaAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: May 15 2018
Volume 6, Issue 2
Pages 73-79
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30918/AERJ.62.18.016
E-Learning applications have gained recognition globally as a panacea to address the access, quality and equity challenges facing education systems. This paper reports findings of a study whose aim was to assess the level of preparedness for e-learning adoption among pre-service teacher trainees in selected Primary Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the level of pre-service teacher trainee skills for adoption of e-learning; assess the level of availability and accessibility to e-learning infrastructure and to assess the nature of strategies put in place to promote adoption of e-learning. Descriptive survey design was used where questionnaires were used to collect data from a sample of 287 respondents. Data was analysed by use of descriptive statistics aided by Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Despite the efforts made by the Kenya government towards technology uptake in schools, teacher training colleges are hardly prepared for e-learning as the study results showed that majority of respondents (77%) were unskilled in performing functions related to use of e-learning while a high percentage (67%) reported lack of strategies in place to promote use of e-learning.
Keywords: e-Learning, competencies, preparedness, survey.
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