The use of Zimbabwe Open University’s MyVista platform in e-communication, accessing and uploading learning materials, and assessing students’ work
S. Chirume and S. ThondhlanaAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: January 24 2019
Volume 7, Issue 1
Pages 1-13
Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) has come up with the technology platform known as MyVista which can be used to fulfil teaching and learning activities online. However, it appeared that when the MyVista platform became fully operational from 2017, both students and staff members faced a lot of challenges. To investigate these challenges, this study employed a qualitative survey with 30 students and 14 staff members of the Midlands Regional Campus, both groups conveniently chosen and asked to respond to a questaview. Findings showed that students had challenges in using the MyVista platform to register, to e-communicate with other students and lecturers due to limited resources, due to poor network and due to lecturers not responding to their messages. They also said they needed a lot of constant training, among other things. Lecturers said students often sent wrong assignments, some without links and some which could not open. They also said they needed training on marking and grading assignments, and needed fast and reliable computers with anti-glare screens. The study recommends that ZOU needs to put in place adequate e-learning policies and procedures, adequate computers for the students and make them fast and accessible at all times. ZOU should be innovative by upgrading the ICT materials and the MyVista platform and train all students and staff in the proper use of the ICT facilities, inter alia. There is need to also carry out a similar study in other regional campuses of ZOU.
Keywords: STEM innovation, MyVista platform, e-communication, accessing learning materials, uploading materials, assessing students’ work.
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