Current development, non-formal vocational training of adults fosters employment opportunities in small scale industries
Tolera NegassaAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: August 14 2019
Volume 7, Issue 3
Pages 118-129
The purpose of this study was to investigate non-formal vocational training program in fostering self-employment in small scale industries in Oromia Regional State. In the regional state, unskilled man power is one of the major problems at lower level despite the growth of small business. The small business usually requires people trained in short-term program. The short-term practice-based vocational training is given without taking feedbacks on the outcome and its contribution to the livelihood of people in the regional state. The study was conducted in five cities and five towns which have access to institutions offering practice-based vocational training. The study involved 1280 (640 males and 640 females) people organized in small scale enterprises. The data were collected using questionnaire with acceptable level of validity (CVR>.55) and reliability (r>.70). The descriptive survey data were analyzed in quantitative methods (frequency, percentage, reliability, t-test, and ANOVA). The result generally revealed that the program has created self-employment for thousands of unemployed adults seeking jobs although there is a difference in terms of gender, location, and fields of training. In conclusion, the non-formal training program in the region has to be given priority to reduce poverty, so as to enhance self-employment in vocational fields to support the government plan on agricultural lead industrialization program.
Keywords: Adult education, self-employment, non-formal vocational training.
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