Comparison of the attitudes towards learning with the participation motivation level in e-sports players
Esra Bayrak AyaşAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: March 26 2020
Volume 8, Issue 1
Pages 83-89
In our age, developments in modern technology are so fast that even following up is very difficult. These developments affect every field of daily life as well as affecting the sports field, resulting in new progress in this field. Electronic sports, which is abbreviated as e-sports, is one of these developments. E-sports has also recently developed rapidly and has gained popularity especially among young people. This rapid rise and increasing popularity required research on e-sports. From the view of this aspect, in this work, the motivation of the athletes engaged in the e-sports branch as licensed to participate in e-sport and their attitudes towards learning was evaluated in terms of various variables and it was aimed to compare the differences between the two situations. 186 female and 271 male e-sports players voluntarily participated in the study. In the research, “the e-sports Participation Motivation Scale” and “Attitude Scale Regarding Learning” were used. Semantic differences were found in the e-sports participation motivation scale and learning attitude scales of the e-sports players participating in the study. Besides, it has been observed that there is a positive relationship between e-sports players’ attitudes towards learning and e-sports participation motivation levels.
Keywords: E-sports players, motivation, attitude towards learning.
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