Does emotional intelligence determine the level of self-efficacy in athletes?
Varol Tutal and Mehmet EfeAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: December 14 2020
Volume 8, Issue 4
Pages 890-896
The purpose of this study is to identify the determinant role of emotional intelligence sub-dimensions (evaluation of others' emotions, evaluation of one’s own emotions, regulation of emotions, social skills, use of emotions) in determining the self-efficacy levels of athletes. In addition, emotional intelligence, and self-efficacy levels of the athletes by gender variable were examined within the scope of this study and the results were reported. A total of 261 athletes from different sports (soccer, basketball, handball, volleyball, tennis, wrestling) volunteered to participate in the study with 163 males (57.8), (Xage = 22.36 ± 4.34) and 119 females (42.2), (Xage = 21.08 ± 3.61). Within the scope of the study, information on socio-demographic variables was collected using a personal information form created by the researchers. In the study, "Emotional Intelligence Sports Inventory" which was adapted into Turkish by Adiloğulları and Görgülü (2015), and the "Self-Efficacy Scale" which was adapted into Turkish by Öcel (2002) were used as measurement tools. The skewness and kurtosis values for the total score distribution of the surveys indicated that the distribution was normal. In line with this, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) were used, and Pearson correlation analyses were completed to determine the relationships between the variables. A stepwise regression analysis was completed to determine the power of independent variables in predicting the dependent variable. According to the findings obtained, it was determined that the emotional intelligence levels of the athletes are important determinants of their self-efficacy levels and the analysis completed in two steps explained approximately 12% of the variance. However, while there was no significant difference in the self-efficacy mean scores by gender, significant differences were found in the emotional intelligence levels of the athletes within the groups.
Keywords: Athlete, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy.
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