Investigation of physical education and sports school students' e-learning styles in terms of some variables
Serdar GeriAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: January 18 2021
Volume 9, Issue 1
Pages 51-59
The aim of this study is to examine whether the gender, sports branch, department and class, and class participation of the students studying in the School of Physical Education and Sports undergraduate program differ according to E-learning styles. 340 students (male: 201, female: 139) from Republic of Turkey Mardin Artuklu University Physical Education and Sports School have voluntarily participated in the study in 2020. The “E-learning Styles Scale” developed by Gülbahar and Alper (2014) has been used as data collection tool in the study. As a result, significant differences were found in favor of women in audio-visual learning and autonomous learning for gender variable, in favor of individual sports in audio-visual and autonomous learning for sports type variable, in favor of team sports in social learning. Significant differences were found in favor of I. class students in comparison with II. and III. class students in social learning for the class variable and in favor of students studying at Physical Education and Sports Teaching department compared to Coaching Education and Sports Management in logical learning for department variable. Significant difference was found in favor of the students participating in the synchronous class compared to the students attending the asynchronous and mixed (Sometimes Asynchronous Sometimes Synchronous) class in autonomous learning for class participation variable.
Keywords: E-learning, university student, physical education and sports school.
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