Health-related quality of life level in terms of sports age and weekly training frequency
Muhammed Emre KaramanAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: May 21 2021
Volume 9, Issue 2
Pages 498-504
Being physically active during the day and keep it in all the life along gives us the feeling well both physically and mentally. The purpose of the presented study is to investigate the effect of weekly training intensities and sport ages of the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Coach Training students’ health-related physical and mental quality of life. 52 female and 56 male students participated in the study. 74% of the participants were in the 18-23 age range, 18.5% were in the 24-28 age range and 7.4% were in the 28-32 age range. SF-36 Quality of Life Scale was used as a data collection tool SF-36 Quality of Life Scale consists of 8 sub-dimensions and 36 items. Participants who had a weekly training intensity of 5 days or more had higher scores than those who had training intensity for 1-2 days and 3-4 days in physical health components sub-dimensions. Participants who had a weekly training intensity of 1-2 days had higher scores than the scale scores of those who had a weekly training intensity of 3-4 and 5 days more, in mental health components sub-dimensions. In mental health subscale scores and weekly training intensity scale scores, it was seen that there was a significant difference between those who trained for 1-2 days and those who trained for 3-4 days. In conclusion, within the scope of the study involving a department of a sports sciences faculty, it can be said that being physically active is improving and protecting both physical and mental health status, considering the quality of life scale scores.
Keywords: Quality of life, training intensity, sports age, exercise, university students.
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