BCG model knowledge and ESG knowledge leading to food security management of agriculturists in Maha Sarakham Province
Sapphasit KaewhaoAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: June 9 2023
Volume 11, Issue 2
Pages 254-262
The populations were agriculturists of Maha Sarakham Province in the year 2022. The Simple Random Sampling technique was employed to gather 400 agriculturists. The research instrument was a questionnaire, and it was used for data collection. Multiple Regression Analysis is an inferential statistic for data analysis. Descriptive statistics were mean, and standard deviation. The purpose of the research was to forecast the BCG Model knowledge and ESG knowledge leading to food security management of agriculturists in Maha Sarakham Province. The results demonstrated that the prediction equation of the relationship between independent variables of Bioeconomy (X1), Green economy (X3), Environment dimension (X4), Social dimension (X5), and Governance dimension (X6) leading dependent variable Food Security Management of agriculturists. The Green economy (X3) explained the most effect on Food Security Management (Y) of agriculturists with 40.40 percent with statistical significance at a level of 0.01. Subsequences were Environment dimension (X4) at 33.40 percent, Social dimension (X5) at 29.80 percent, Governance dimension (X6) at 25.60 percent, and Bioeconomy (X1) at 14.50 percent. Except for Circular economy (X2) with a negative direction of 14.20 percent and a non-statistical significance level of 0.05. Nonetheless, the other variables also lead to effective food security management of agriculturists. To manage food security, agriculturists are required to have actual bioeconomy, circular economy and green economy knowledge, and a clear understanding of ESG concepts in all aspects of environment, social, and governance dimensions, thus they can manage food security for themselves and their families.
Keywords: BCG model knowledge, ESG knowledge, leading, food security management, agriculturist.
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