Factors influencing under-education in Cameroon: A comprehensive analysis

Atina Ndindeng

African Educational Research Journal
Published: August 19 2024
Volume 12, Issue 3
Pages 182-201
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30918/AERJ.123.24.040


Under-education in Cameroon significantly hampers the nation's socio-economic development. Addressing this issue is crucial for enhancing the overall quality of life and economic growth of the country. This study identifies and analyses the primary factors contributing to under-education, offering actionable solutions to improve educational outcomes and promote sustainable development. The study employed a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative data. Surveys were conducted with 1,000 households across urban and rural regions, alongside in-depth interviews with 50 educators, policymakers, and community leaders, and field observations in 20 schools. Structured questionnaires, semi-structured interview guides, and observation checklists were used. Advanced statistical techniques, including regression and factor analysis, were applied.

Keywords: Under-education, Cameroon, socio-economic barriers, child labour, gender disparities, political instability, educational facilities, teacher shortages, health, nutrition.

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