Reflection of immoral and unethical sport events upon the society and mass media throughout history

Kurtuluş Özlü, Abdulkerim Çeviker, Yakup Paktaş, Hasan Erdem Mumcu and Osman Kusan

African Educational Research Journal
Published: August 4 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 1
Pages S49-S53


This article aims to explore immoral occasions in sport which appear on media recently and analyse their impacts on society. Sport is a social phenomenon that enhances the concepts of brotherhood and friendship, and it promotes notion of fair play. Especially in recent years, sport has gained an increasing income share in today’s industrialized world. This growth has caused news related to sport appear in visual, written and social media more often. As a matter of broadcasting principle, all moral and immoral events take place in media and immoral events draw public attention more. The study was conducted on literature reviews that include several events, news and interviews related to sport appeared in mass media. According to the research results, sport appears as a phenomenon increasing in importance and integrating more societies and people day by day. With industrialization of sport, its scope has been enlarged and this is situation has made it hard to control. Nowadays, shareholder in sport tend to benefit from unethical situations for more popularity, and more income. With the increase in communication facilities, news about undesirable situation related to sports appear on media faster and more often. Therefore, supportes of sport get afftected negatively and this leads social dislocation.

Keywords: Sport, society, media.

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