The investigation of the relationship between handball players’ levels of leisure boredom and happiness
Fatih Yaşartürk, Hayri Akyüz and İsmail KarataşAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: August 10 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 1
Pages S81-S86
The purpose of this research is to examine relationship between handball players’ levels of leisure boredom and happiness according to some demographic variables. 193 (114 male and 79 female) student players composed of participated in the 2nd league interuniversity handball competitions. In the research, “Personal Information Form” prepared by researchers, developed by Iso-Ahola and Weissinger (1990) and Turkish adaptation was made by Kara et al. (2014) “Leisure Boredom Scale: LBS” and developed by Hills and Argyle (2002) and Turkish adaptation was made by Dogan and Akinci-Cotok (2011) “The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire short form” were used. Descriptive statistics, t-Test, and Pearson Correlation tests were used to analyze the data. In the findings of the research; there was a significant difference in the t-test results according to the “gender” variable in the LBS satisfaction and boredom sub-dimensions (p ˂ 0.05) and this difference is in favor of male participant group in the satisfaction sub-dimension, female participant group in the boredom sub-dimension. On the other hand, there was no significant relationship according to “age and handball playing year” variables in the correlation test results (p > 0.05). In another finding, there was a significant positive and low level relationship between the “income” variable with the OHQ scores and in the LBS “satisfaction” sub-dimension (p ˂ 0.05). Moreover, there was a significant positive and low level relationship between the “weekly free time” variable with in the LBS “boredom” sub-dimension (p ˂ 0.05). Finally, there was no significant relationship between the participants’ mean scores of LBS and OHQ (p > 0.05). As a result, although there was no significant relationship between the leisure boredom and happiness levels of the participants, some demographic variables were found to be related to the participants' leisure boredom and happiness levels.
Keywords: Handball players, leisure boredom, happiness.
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