Impact of academic consulting quality on academic knowledge levels of graduate students in sports sciences
İhsan Kuyulu and Enes BeltekinAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: August 11 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 1
Pages S87-S94
This research was carried out to examine the effect of graduate students’ perceived academic advisory quality on their academic knowledge levels. A total of 130 graduate students, 50 of whom were masters and 80 were doctorates, who studied in the field of sports sciences, participated in the study during the 2019-2020 academic year. In the research, survey technique was used as a data collection tool. "Ideal Counseling Scale" and "Teachers' Research Literacy Skills Scale" were used to collect data for the purpose of the research. The analysis of the data obtained at the end of the research was made in the SPSS22 statistical program and the degree of significance among the variables was taken as 0.05. In order to get an idea about the distribution of the data, firstly, the normality of the distributions, and then skewness and kurtosis tests were examined. According to test results, Mann Whitney-U analysis was performed in binary comparisons, Kruskal Wallis analysis in multiple comparisons, and multiple regression analysis was performed to test the relationships between variables in a holistic way. According to the answers given by the graduate students to the scales, it was determined that doctorate students are better known by their academic advisors and there is a better communication between them and there is a significant difference in academic knowledge levels in favor of doctoral students. It has been determined that the majority of graduate students are satisfied with their academic advisors and they want to work with the same advisors if they have the opportunity to get graduate education again and there is a difference in favor of those who say yes in their academic knowledge competence. It has been determined that students' perceptions of academic counseling quality do not differ according to the learning stage variable, but there is a significant difference in favor of those who are at the level of academic knowledge. As a result, the quality of academic counseling significantly affects the academic knowledge levels of graduate students, good communication between the student and the advisor, and the counselor's student's knowledge plays an important role in this.
Keywords: Academic counseling, knowledge level, sports sciences.
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