An analysis on the development of sociology of education in USA and England
Cengiz AslanAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: October 26 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 2
Pages S186-S195
Sociology of education is a matter of discussion in terms of whether it is an independent field or it is a subdiscipline of educational sciences or sociology. In this respect, the development of sociology of education is challenging process which goes through some never-ending continuity and discontinuity, and it is sometimes considered to be a process that consists of blurrines, fluidity, and sometimes it is regarded as a complex process. In this regard, the fundamental purpose of this study is to find out the development of sociology of education in England and the USA. This study is designed as a historical research. As a result of the study, It can be said that sociology of education as a discipline in these countries has not been established upon a joint developmental process as it has had some continuity and discontinuity in its relationship with education or sociology departments. It may be stated that from time to time macro subject matters gained a popularity and sometimes micro issues become important in the agenda of sociology of education because of the fact that different understandings of the field and different traditions.
Keywords: Sociology of education, educational sociology, USA, England.
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