The effect of digital story applications on students' academic achievement: A meta-analysis study
Nurullah Sahin and İsmail CobanAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: October 29 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 3
Pages S62-S75
The digital story, which is considered as a method that focuses on students, and makes them engaged in the learning process, presents a profile suitable for student-centered modern education systems with this feature. For this reason, digital story has become a subject frequently studied in educational research for the last 20 years. In this study, it is aimed to synthesize the results obtained from experimental studies on the effect of digital story method on students' academic achievement. The studies examined within the scope of the research have been accessed by using the keywords "digital story, digital storytelling, academic achievement" in Web of Science, ERIC, EBSCOhost, ULAKBİM TR Index, Google Academic and YOK Dissertation databases. According to the results obtained from the analyzes performed according to random effects model at 95% confidence interval using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software, the average effect size was estimated as 0.750. According to Cohen et al. (2011), this result indicates a high level of impact of digital story applications on increasing students' academic achievement. In educational processes using digital story and other teaching methods, students' academic achievement differences were examined in line with the moderator variables. While the type of course and teaching level variables make a significant difference on the effect sizes of the studies, the type of publication and the study origin variables did not make a significant difference.
Keywords: Digital story, digital storytelling, academic achievement, meta-analysis.
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