Mediation in writing skills and teaching Turkish as a foreign language

Gülden Tüm

African Educational Research Journal
Published: November 13 2020
Volume 8, Special Issue 3
Pages S134-S144


Writing is the most difficult language skill to be learned and applied by learners of Turkish as a foreign language (TFL) because their native, foreign, and target language(s) might have different linguistic properties and even alphabets. Even they may come from different language families that influence TFL learners to have syntactic, lexical, and morphological problems during their writing process. Descriptor of mediating text regains importance in writing since it is beyond interpreting knowledge and is constructing meaning. In order to shed light on the problems occurring in written texts, this study focuses on mediation and possible mistakes/errors done by TFL learners in terms of alphabet, vocabulary, word order, paragraph and mechanics in addition to their perceptions for Turkish language instructors, teaching materials and assessment. This study draws attention to the importance of mediation for specific needs of TFL learners by exemplifying statements produced in Turkish. The findings reveal that foreign learners could overcome problems in case they are exposed to mediation strategies, mediating text and concepts in addition to morphological guidance at the initial stages.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, writing skills, mediation.

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