Metaphorical perceptions of physical education and sports: An evaluation from the perspective of pre-service teachers
Esin GüllüAfrican Educational Research Journal
Published: May 13 2021
Volume 9, Special Issue 1
Pages S9-S15
This study has been designed to examine pre-service teachers' metaphorical perceptions of physical education and sports. In this study, phenomenology, one of the qualitative research designs, was used. The study group consists of 60 pre-service teachers studying at the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching at Şırnak University during the 2020-2021 academic year. Research data were obtained from the statements of students who were asked to complete the sentence "Physical Education and sports are like … for me because ... ". Research data were analysed using the content analysis method. The analysis of the data consists of stages including classification, elimination, category development, validity and reliability tests, and interpretation of the metaphors obtained in the study, respectively. Six categories were created in this study in which the metaphorical perceptions of pre-service teachers of the concept of physical education and sports were examined. Categories created for physical education and sports were healthy/quality life, life/lifestyle, freedom/entertainment, indispensable/sine qua non, source of peace/love, and development. As a result, it was determined that pre-service teachers have positive opinions about physical education and sports and have no negative judgment.
Keywords: Metaphor, physical education, sports, student.
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